

Spiral (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds Distinct banding that circles the body and wings. Marking should be relatively even in shape, but may vary in size across the body.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.


Windy (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds long solid streaks that run along the body, face or wings.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.


Wise (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds a circle mark to the head that rings the eyes. May also create a streak along the neck and chest that extends to the fingers and edge of wings.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.


Malachite (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds blotchy circular markings with two tones across the whole body, that can vary in sizing.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Color: Inner and Outer spaces will also be the same color across the marking, and may either be darker on the outside, or lighter on the outside.
Optional: Small dots of both colors may stray outside the main markings.


Piebald (Rare)

Category: Mutation

Random uneven spots of white will cover the whole body. Scale colors or plants may also be affected by this mutation.


Whiskers (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Kirunhound

Long whiskers are added to the muzzle.


Eared (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds visible ears to a Popokee.


Abyssal (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds an angler like horn and may add bioluminescent glows to one or more markings near the face, in a single color.


Finned (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds a shark or sailfish like fin on back, fins can be tipped if markings allow.


Mountain (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds rocky structures to raise up a Popokee’s plant. Mountain mutations will be either darker or lighter in color than their coat colors, and may be affected by markings.


Fish (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds small colorful fins along the body and legs. The number and design of these fins is up to the player.


Rooted (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Adds tendrils of roots along the tail.

Tropical Marks

Tropical Marks (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Allows all shown markings to be brightly colored, ignoring set color rules. Each marking must be a single solid color.


Scripted (Special)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Causes the Popokee’s personal symbol to appear as bright markings across the body instead of externally. Minimum of two places need to be marked, and may appear in any size or color.


Flare (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Kirunhound

Narrow patch of scales that runs across the length of the muzzle, from the base of the horn, over the nose. Can be a unique solid color, or the same color as the main scales.

Gem Shards

Gem Shards (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Kirunhound

Small, rounded circles of scales on the shoulder or hip that are disconnected from the main scale locations. May be a unique color, or the same color as the main scales.


Guard (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Kirunhound

Solid patches of scales lining the front legs. These will be the same color as the main scales.


Sharpfoot (Rare)

Category: Mutation
Species: Kirunhound

Overly prominent hoof points becoming claw like on the back feet.


Scorched (Special)

Category: Mutation

This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of March.

The ancient and worn, will still burn like embers.

Scorched allows for the addition of charred wood, stone or other organic materials to the body, as well as turning some elements into this material. All areas should be the same material, and may be any color, with some gradients or variant. These charred areas may have thin lines or spots of glowing embers within them. This glow may be any color but black or white.

An additional marking may be added around any area that contains a charred element, and will be a patchy, ash like area that is darker or lighter than the coat color, and may include faint glow similar to the ember colors used else where.

  • Kirunhound: Horns and scales may be replaced with charred material. Additional charred material may be added to the head, face and neck. Manes and leg feathering may be turned into flames.
  • Popokee: Plants, horns and tusks may be replaced with charred material. Additional charred material may be added to the back, and top of tail. Manes may be turned into flames, additional smoke may drift around the Popokee.

Jetsam (Special)

Category: Mutation

This Mutation will only appear randomly during breedings in the month of June

The deepest, darkest depths bring out strange and mysterious lights.

Jetsam allows for traits that resemble deep sea fish to be added along with an additional marking. Tail Trait may be turned into a series of tentaclese similar to octopi, or a webbed skirt similar to a squid or cuttlefish, this trait may have an additional color added to the base coast. Colorful gills may be added to the neck or ribcage. Eyes may be turned solid black with swirls and star fields.

The additional marking creates a series of lines and dots that flows from the face along the upper body, and may also include the same patterns up the front legs. This may be any solid color.

  • Kirunhound: Noses may be removed and facial features may more resemble seals or sealions. Ears can take on fin like qualities.
  • Popokee: Plants can take on tentacle like traits, and a patch on the neck or lower belly may take on colorful, nebulous look.
352 results found.