
Masterlist Traits Kirunhound

Subtypes: Tokenhound
Basic biology:

Kirunhounds are a large omnivorous mammalian creature artificially held in the current modern world’s biology by past Scientists. Size ranges from a very large dog (Great Dane or Wolfhound) up to a mid sized horse (Just shy of a Clydesdale.) Males are slightly larger than females and tend to have larger horns and thicker, more extensive scales.

They are highly sapient creatures capable of understanding human speech, even if they can not form human speech directly. In the wild Kirunhound live naturally in small herds containing a few breeding adults and their offspring. Once mature, young will break off to form their own groups but maintain contact with their birth herds. Extended families are very social even if not living directly with each other. Kirunhounds living alongside modernized society will live solo or in pairs that may be breeding couples, or close friends, as they tend to enjoy the company of other Kirunhounds.

Communication is a series of barks, bellows and cat like chirps. Tails are also used to further express emotions at a distance.

Kirunhound diet is varied, but leans toward intake of fresh meat from smaller prey like rabbits and fish, with herds hunting larger prey from time to time. Plant matter is also eaten readily between hunting, as well as roots, fruits and flowers.

Kirunhounds are known to live well into the early 100’s, and reach maturity around 20.


There are almost no surviving records of what a Kirunhound originally looked like, or really any solid proof they existed at all before rogue science was tasked with keeping the worlds animal life breeding during a worldwide crisis. What few records survived the downfall, show that Kirunhounds were highly limited even when lab bred. Drakes and other native horned beasts like deer and goats were added artificially to early generations to extend the extremely limited breeding pool.


Traits that are based on a character’s ingame genotype:


Head and Ears:

Heads should be balanced to the body form, and should retain a feeling of canine, feline and cervine in varying levels in design. Ears follow the same base animal guideline, ranging from more canine, ursine, and feline to more equine, cervine, or bovine.


There are no guidelines to the size, number and prominence of a Kirunhound’s teeth.


Kirunhound eyes will always be a solid color, with white sclera when present. Pupils can be slit, solid, or shaped. Eyes can be any color but solid black. Heterochromia is allowed.

Front Legs:

Powerful, well padded mammalian paws that will be larger than the back legs. Fur can be smooth or contain any level of long fur tufts. Claws can range between prominent and curved, nonexistent or retractable. Number of toes and presence of a dew claw is open to player choice. Paw pads and claws can be any color.

Back Legs:

Delicate, but built for heavy running. Fur on back legs should accent, but not completely obscure the streamlined form. Hooves may be fully rounded, or cloven. Hoof points may be present on both the inner and outer side of the hoof. Hooves can be any color.

Manes and Tail Hair:

Kirunhound manes are not always present, when a mane is present it will take on any style and formation, ranging from horse like, to big cat like. Tails can feature long flowing hair like a horse, or a stiff bristle like a dog. Tail and mane fur will be the same solid color.

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