
Tokenhound (Kirunhound Subtype)

A newly found, magically altered variation of the common Kirunhound changed under the powers of an incomplete Token.

Once altered a player may add features of the animal type being added to up to three areas, these features may break rules for Kirunhound creation in the areas picked. Added parts may be design to the animal's natural markings and colors, or use the Coat Color and Markings from the Kirunhound's traits. This can apply consistently across all three areas, or change between areas.

Parts that may be picked to alter: Head, Neck and front chest, front legs, back legs, belly and shoulders, tail, or spine.

A Kirunhound may only be altered once, but can have it's animal changed and parts reorganized by applying a second Token part in the future.

  • To alter a Geno: Submit a claim with your Token Part and linked Geno.
  • To alter an Import: Update the artwork, and submit it along with a Token Part.
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