

Scripted (Special)

Category: Mutation
Species: Popokee

Causes the Popokee’s personal symbol to appear as bright markings across the body instead of externally. Minimum of two places need to be marked, and may appear in any size or color.


Albinism (Special)

Category: Mutation

Character’s fur will be solid white, cream or gray with red eyes regardless of the genotype. Kirunhound horns and scales can retain normal colors. Popokee plants will be muted, and dull in color.


Chimerism (Special)

Category: Mutation
Species: Kirunhound

Two pairs of ‘active’ genotypes will be present in one individual. Markings will show through in clean edged patches. Players may choose which physical body traits to show, or mix and combine them as well. May affect scale color and style when patches overlay.


Multi (Special)

Category: Mutation
Species: Kirunhound

Adds a extra set of limbs, eyes, or ears. Does not cover tails, as they have their own trait for this effect.

Fancy Fish

Fancy Fish (Special)

Category: Special Combos
Species: Popokee

Traits: Finned Mutation + Fish Mutation

Changes the added accents into flowing Betta Fish fins. An additional color may appear on some or all fins.


Stone Fish

Stone Fish (Special)

Category: Special Combos
Species: Popokee

Traits: Fishtooth Head + Lurker Tail

Alters the Popokee to have a armored head and tail. Resembles Dunkleosteus or Coccosteus.


Seraph (Special)

Category: Special Combos
Species: Kirunhound

Traits: Winged Body + Multi Mutation

Allows for a second set of smaller wings.


Bladefoot (Special)

Category: Special Combos
Species: Kirunhound

Traits: Reverse Feet Body + Sharpfoot Mutation

Adds a single sickle clawed toe on back feet.


Flight Form

Flight Form (Special)

Category: Special Combos
Species: Kirunhound

Traits: Winged Body + Winged Tail

Manes and long fur may appear as feathers.

29 results found.