
Party Floor

Party Floor (Uncommon)

Category: Marking

Adds a dark patch up to 50% of the body with a series of up to four neon colored, geometric shapes. Each shape type should be around the same size across the marking, and all stick to the same colors between shapes.

Color: Any bright neon colors.

Note::This is a Special marking and can not be used for Starter Citizen creation, and will not be available  for items that allow changing of Markings into others.

Note: While this will be a Marking available to all species in the future, it currently can only be added to Kirunhound and Popokee currently.


Giftwrapper (Uncommon)

Category: Marking

Changes up to three other markings on a character to be shiny material of any color.

Optional: One marking may have a cut paper edge.

Color: Alters other markings into any color, each marking affected should only be a single solid color outside the metallic affects.

Note::This is a Special marking and can not be used for Starter Citizen creation, and will not be available  for items that allow changing of Markings into others.

Note: While this will be a Marking available to all species in the future, it currently can only be added to Kirunhound and Popokee currently.


Lovely (Legendary)

Category: Marking
Species: Kirunhound

Edits other markings by adding 3 different styles:

  1. Large solid markings may have heart shapes cut into them. These may be soft and faded, or sharp edged.
  2. Lined markings may add heart like accents along their path, these will follow the rules of the edited marking.
  3. Small dotting or speckled markings may be turned into hearts instead, and can be a few, or all of them.

Basic: Three markings may be affected total, and a soft blush may be added to the face, paws, ears and underside.
Family Line:  Five markings may be affected in total, and the soft blush may carry over into where hearts are present as an accent to the marking itself.

Characters with this NPC in their Lineage may use the additional Family Line effects.


Hurricane (Legendary)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds a soft, cloudy area to 50% of the body that may cover all traits in area. A second marking that resembles small drops of rain that flow sideways or at a slight angle as it travels along the body. This small mark may be any solid color. Other markings may go over or under this main marking.

Basic: The main marking may be black, white or darker or lighter versions of the base coat, with gentle accents in a darker or lighter tone. Small patches may be within this marking that show the coat.
Family Line: The main marking may be any color, with a second color as a gentle accent. An additional marking that resembles a bolt of lightening can travel across the whole body in any direction, and can be any solid color, with a faint glow around the edge.

Characters with this NPC in their Lineage may use the additional Family Line effects.


Thunderclap (Legendary)

Category: Marking
Species: Kirunhound

Adds a soft, cloudy area to 50% of the body that may cover all traits in area. A second marking that resembles small drops of rain that flow downward or at a slight angle as it travels along the body. This small mark may be any solid color. Other markings may go over or under this main marking.

Basic: The main marking may be black, white or darker or lighter versions of the base coat, with gentle accents in a darker or lighter tone. Small patches may be within this marking that show the coat.
Family Line: The main marking may be any color, with a second color as a gentle accent. An additional marking that resembles a bolt of lightening can travel across the whole body in any direction, and can be any solid color, with a faint glow around the edge.

Characters with this NPC in their Lineage may use the additional Family Line effects.


Festive (Legendary)

Category: Marking

Turns another marking, including Minimal White/Black and Flare, into a series of checked boxes. This may ignore edge rules for the marking, letting hard edge marks be soft, or fade in varying intensity across the marking. Individual boxes may fade and leave solid ones nearby. Small markings like Spotted or Starspeck may simply add squares across the range. Boxes do not need to be even, or create perfectly touching space and may spread and shape the flow of the body.

Basic: Marking may be black, white, or darker or lighter shades of the coat color.
Family Line:  An additional color may be added and cover alternating boxes, or just selected ones from the pattern.

Characters with this NPC in their Popokee Lineage may use the additional Family Line effects.

Characters with this NPC in their Kirunhound Lineage may use the additional Family Line effects.


Seabed (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds patterns in flowing lines across the whole body. These can be soft edged, hard edged, or a mix of both. Striping may vary in size and shape, and some bumpy or soft point edges can be present. This marking can cover up to 50% of the body and can appear anywhere.  A few small holes may show the original coat color underneath.
Color: Any colors can be used, but should stay desaturated and generally in the same color range.
Optional: May alter the color of plants and other Mutation accents where it touches.

Designed by Hoata


Overgrowth (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds a series of markings that resemble stylized flowers, leaves, or other organic floral items. These should be simple and not overly shaded.  Small accent dots may also appear around the marking. Overgrowth may appear anywhere on the body and can be broken up into unique clusters. This marking may have hard or soft edges and may fade at the feet, face or underbelly.
Colors: 1-3 total colors can be used. One color may be chosen by the player, and can be any color.
Colors: The reaminging 1-2 colors must come from these choices. Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color. Another color from the Coat Color options.

Designed by Pure09

Blessie Waves

Blessie Waves (Legendary)

Category: Marking

Adds a wavy, spiral or zigzag marking that starts at the cheek and runs to the end of the tail. This may be hard edged or soft, and cover roughly the middle of the Popokee. Other markings that sit on or under this area may take on any colors from the wave.

Basic: Two colors may be present and blend at the center.
Family Line:  Any range of colors including full rainbows may be used for the wave, an additional black or white gradient may cover the Popokee's upper or lower half.

Characters with this NPC in their Popokee Lineage may use the additional Family Line effects.

Characters with this NPC in their Kirunhound Lineage may use the additional Family Line effects.


Koi (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Popokee

Adds black spotting, streaks or barring across the back and tail.
Color: Black.
Optional: A brightly colored mask may be added to the face, or accent a small amount of the black markings.


Misted (Legendary)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds swirling patters across the whole body, that may fade into the coat color.
Colors: Split between any two colors.


Eyes (Legendary)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds a series of eye like rings with small dotted accents across the whole body and wings. Markings should be spaced apart and not overlap.
Colors: Bright colors with either a white or black central dot.
Optional: Colors may have a smooth gradient into other colors.


Aurora (Legendary)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds soft organic markings with smaller white accents, resembling Aurora Borealis.
Colors: Light blue, green, purple and pink blended areas.


Spotty (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds rows of small round spots across the whole body and wings.
Colors: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.


Sandstone (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds fine point speckles across the whole body, in varying intensities.
Color: Any single color.


Mud (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds soft blotches around the wings, and feet. Small spotted accents may line the edge.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: Color may fade between different tones across the whole marking.


Malachite (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds blotchy circular markings with two tones across the whole body, that can vary in sizing.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Color: Inner and Outer spaces will also be the same color across the marking, and may either be darker on the outside, or lighter on the outside.
Optional: Small dots of both colors may stray outside the main markings.


Wise (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Balikin

Adds a circle mark to the head that rings the eyes. May also create a streak along the neck and chest that extends to the fingers and edge of wings.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.

Full Tiger

Full Tiger (Uncommon)

Category: Marking
Species: Kirunhound

Adds natural striping over the whole body and face, or adds striping in patches.
Color: Black. White. Darker shade of coat color. Lighter shade of coat color.
Optional: May carry over into scales.


Rosettes (Rare)

Category: Marking
Species: Kirunhound

Adds ringed spots similar to leopard markings.
Color: Black. Darker shade of coat color.
Optional: May carry over into scales.

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