Longtailed KrainMacroura major

Beautiful, longtailed stork

A human height urban bird, with long legs and a long beautiful tail. Recored in pre-world history, krains are long associated with health and stability along side the humans they live with. Non magical, but able to sense magic, warning of shifts with how they migrate, these birds are passionately tied to human cities and welcomed.

Colors are mostly white base with an accent, usually near the red, brown, or orange range, and it might just cover accents on the head and tail, or some have a full brown coat with a bright red head accent. Pure white krains are considered extra good luck, even if rare.

Mostly consuimg fruit and berries, small fish and bugs and the rare rodent, krains are neutral creatures and move and adjust alongside the humans and settlements they live. Their cry is soft and melodic, offten many krains will join in an evening group song lasting a few minutes when more than one live in close proximity.

Finding a dead krain in a modern city is a moment most people know to offer it a small burial in nearby streams, as it's bad luck to leave one on the hard earth.



Locations Found In

Main Lands: Atlosian Wetlands, Voltlund Coast, Sorantto Veldt, and Ull Canyons