Horned SealugaRhinoops nicola

Horned arctic whales

Medium sized beaked whales from the cold northern waters, only seen in places like Kotakaii and Volund during the colder months when the waters are frozen over. Sealuga have latent magical traits related to their skills in navigation, and following cold weather storms, it's assumed they align with Water elements.

Long lived, these slow moving water creatures live in small family groups of up to a dozen members, all sharing their seasonal pathways across the ocean and under ice flows of the northern passes.

Sealuga are rare to spot inland, and stick to further oceans. Males sport three large horns across the head, while females have two smaller horns. These are used for breaking ice to get to food on the surface, both genders can have large whiskers that extend from the face, but these are not always seen.

Colors range from pure white with pink and tan accents, and muddy browns with white spots. Rare few sport a bright red coat with mottled black underbelly. It's unknown how and why this coloration happens or it's purpose.

Locations Found In

Main Lands: Kotakaii Mountains, Voltlund Coast, and Stygian Waste