Profile Citizen-00188: Tenet

Owned by Sarracenia

Max size for Kirunhounds (shire horse). Quite tall, too, because of his neck making him appear larger. Around 4 feet tall at the shoulder, but his long neck makes eye level above 6 feet. Yes, 1/3 of his height is neck. He is perfectly proportional...

His coat is very short and thin, providing insulation against the Veldt's heat and the moderate winter night chill.

Tenet's Revealed Tenets:

1, "Weaklings deserve to perish. You can not depend on others to keep you safe." 
2, ??? 
3, ??? 
4, ??? 
5, ??? 
6, ??? 
7, ??? 
8, ??? 
9, "The wilds can not be tamed, but they can be conquered. The non-speaking creatures are lesser and should be exploited to further your own greatness." 
10, ???


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