Creative Works

Created 4 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

While each activity, story event and in game submission has it’s own set of specific rules for what is and isn’t allowed, these are the base guidelines for submitting any creative works for in game credits, or Story Points on Arcane Zoo.

Creative works:

In general any drawn, written , or role played creative works are ONLY judged based on if they followed the rules for the submission. Beginner artists with no training; your art, even with errors is just as valid as the professionals playing here for fun. Writers, that one typo spell check missed, we don’t knock off points if the story is otherwise created in the spirit of the challenge it’s for.

All creative works either Written or Drawn need to:

  • If drawn, need to be a minimum of 300x300 in size.
  • Include characters that are recognizable, and not remove markings or traits that make them distinct. Simplifying a complex marking to fit your style is fine, removing one because you don't want to draw it, is not.
  • Include backgrounds that include three unique elements that are each distinct and recognizable. Example: A full sky with clouds, a backdrops with a treeline, and rocks the character is climbing.



All Submissions need to be ONE of the following:
    • Creative art work made100% by YOU as a player.
    • Created collaboratively players. This can include one player sketching and another player coloring a drawn image. Or a writer adding a story accent to an artist’s drawn image as a team.
    • Artwork and stories you’ve bought from artists, writers or other creative folks in the game. The linked submission should show or credit you in some way.
Arcane Zoo does NOT allow the following: 
    • Traced or otherwise plagiarized art or stories.
    • Recolored templates submitted as new work. (YOU MAY use free templates to build character designs for character sheets, you need to credit the creator!)
    • Stolen art that is miscredited.
    • ALL of these will result in a temporary ban, and potentially could result in a lifetime ban. Please don’t. Art is a big part of this group, so let’s respect all artists okay?


Role Play Logs:

  • Role Play logs created within the game setting are accepted just like written works in many activities here.
  • Role Play logs may include the player’s names in the total text count for each activity.
  • Role Plays logs should be saved and formatted like a written submission.

Not drawn or written…what if I make a really COOL BLANK?:

Oh my, you want to sculpt, sing or compose some music or something else completely wild and unique for activities? Arcane Zoo is fine with that!

Other creative fields are still just as valid here, but kind of hit hard to write guidelines for many areas. If you create a thing set in this world, or about this world that doesn’t really fall into guidelines for art or written works? Please contact a staffer on Discord, we want to make sure you get rewarded the same way for in game trials and advancements, even if we can’t write preemptive guidelines for what a small musical piece or a 3D puppet is worth.